
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Leap of Faith

On New Year’s Eve last year my husband and I had our family come over to spend the last day of 2012 at our new apartment in the city. It was our first New Year’s Eve in our own place and our first as a married couple, and it couldn't have been more perfect.

Before being treated to an amazing fireworks display, all our guests put on a silly hat, wrote down their goals for the coming year and took a photo with it so we could revisit them a year later to see what we all had accomplished. My original list comprised of the standard NYE resolutions of exercising more, learning a new language and travelling, amongst others. 

I don’t know whether it was the activity of having to really think about what I wanted to achieve, or having aspects of my life fall into place giving me confidence, and others fall out of place to show me what’s important, however I feel that more recently I've allowed myself to dream big and think about what I really want to accomplish. 

After thinking and thinking, I now feel like I'm tethering on the edge of taking the leap of faith and being fully committed to chasing my dreams. I'm not at all content to just sit back and let life pass me by, but I'm also too scared to jump. I imagine myself on a cliff edge, standing so close to the edge that I can see the ground below, but when I look behind me there is a rope pulling me back.

The rope is me. My risk adverse self who is orderly and needs everything planned out. Taking the leap means that I have to let go and see where I end up.

For a long while I've been sitting on the edge with my rope around my waist, unable to jump even if I wanted to, but then I saw this quote.

I feel so connected to it and so ready to remove the rope and jump. So I think that’s what I'm going to do. I just need to really think about what I want to accomplish and not limit myself to exercising more :)

What do you really want to achieve? What is holding you back?

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